Black Pepper Piper nigrumBlack pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning, known as a peppercorn.
One of the most distinctive varieties of black pepper in Indonesia called Lampung pepper, is known all over the world because of its burning pungency, taste and aroma. They are small, tasting fruitful and sharp on the tip of the tongue - some traits that cannot be found in other countries.
Along with our sister concern - PT. Vastav, we are equipped with a state of the art production and processing facility in South Sumatra (Lampung) with a vision to provide the highest quality of black pepper to the world. ...
For more details do check https://vastav.co.id/
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Cassia Cinnamomum cassia
Cassia is the aromatic, inner bark of young branches of certain trees of the laurus family.
Used whole or ground into powder it’s sweet aroma and spicy flavor are principally used in cookery as a condiment and flavouring material to flavor cakes and fruits, sweet pickles, many deserts and even coffee. Cassia is a tonic, carminative and stimulant. Besides treating nausea and flatulence , it has been proven to be beneficial for those concerned with diabetes and lowering lipid levels, such as LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. ...
At the very source, our fully Integrated processing plants ensure that all of our cassia products go through stringent in house procedures so as to ensure that we exceed our buyers expectations each time.
Interesting Fact
Records of cassia can be traced back to the first century AD where it carried an ungodly price tag - being at least 15 times more expensive than silver! ...
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Cloves Syzygium aromaticum
Clove is the common name of dried flower buds from a tree of the myrtle family, native to the islands of eastern Indonesia. Just like coconuts, each and every part of the clove plant is useful and is put to optimal use by the local industries.
It is used whole or ground, to flavor ales, mulled wines, curries, rice, meat, soap, preserves and stewed fruits. It is also used to produce cigarettes in Indonesia because of its essence. It has numerous traditional as well as modern medicinal uses for: toothache, vomiting, indigestion, cuts and bites etc.
We at GVI, source our cloves directly from farmers, dry, machine clean and hand sort the material at our own processing facilities using highly skilled talent so as to provide our buyers with only the finest.
Interesting Fact
Indonesia is the world’s biggest producer as well as consumer of cloves! ...
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Clove Stems Syzygium aromaticum
Clove stems are the stems of the clove bud flower. They possess the odor and taste of the cloves, but are drastically cheaper as they are deficient in volatile oil. They are largely used as an adulterant in ground cloves and in the manufacture of clove oil.
Carrying out strict quality control during procurement, cleaning as well as sorting, we reconfirm that the final product dispatched meets our buyers specifications to the fullest.
Interesting Fact
Just like coconuts, each and every part of the clove plant is useful and is put to optimal use by the local industries. ...
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Cubebs Piper cubeba
Piper cubeba, cubeb or tailed pepper is a plant in the genus Piper, cultivated for its fruit and essential oil. It is mostly grown in Java and Sumatra, hence sometimes called Java pepper.
Commercial cubebs consist of the dried berries, similar in appearance to black pepper, but with stalks attached – the "tails" in "tailed pepper". Mainly used as a flavouring agent in food and meat preparations,ancient texts of Ayurveda include cubeb in various medical remedies.
At the very source of cubebs, our strict quality control inspection gives us the extra edge to provide you better.
Interesting Fact
This plant is one of the oldest plants in the world finding mention during the 4th century BC. ...
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Galangal Roots Alpinia galanga
Galangal, also known as Laos root, Kah, Galanga or Siamese ginger, comes from the rhizome family. Being from the same family as ginger, it looks similar but tastes different. Galangal has a sharp peppery, almost citrusy flavor.
Besides adding the zing to Asian cuisine, it has many medicinal usages. It helps lower blood pressure. It can be used as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, as well as a pain reliever, too.
At GVI we are well rooted at the source to provide you the highest quality of ingredients directly from the growers.
Interesting Fact
Galangal has even been regarded as ‘the miracle root’ to strengthen weak hearts! ...
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Long Pepper Piper longum
Long pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is generally dried and used as a spice and seasoning. Long pepper has a similar, but hotter, taste to its close relative Piper nigrum – from which black, green and white pepper are obtained.
Used as a spice in various cuisines around the world it is also used for its medicinal properties to treat indigestion, stomach ache, anemia, heart related problems, cough, asthma etc
Actively involved in the procurement and sorting, our team ensures that there is no compromise on the quality of long pepper provided.
Interesting Fact
Long pepper is believed to have been the first of the peppers to reach the Mediterranean. And, throughout antiquity, it was more highly regarded than black pepper. In ancient Rome, it was a luxury item that cost twice as much as black pepper. ...View Details -
Mace Myristica fragrans
Both Mace and Nutmeg are derived from the fruit of the same tree, Myristica fragrans. Mace is the thin, bright red aril or lace-like covering over the shell of the Nutmeg. Its flavor is similar to Nutmeg but more delicate.
Mace is particularly used as a condiment though its medicinal properties resemble those of nutmeg. The warm, spicy-sweet taste is a frequent seasoning for many kinds of baked goods, confections, puddings, meat, sausages, sauces and vegetables.
GVi's team buys this very delicate ingredient directly from the farmers at the source. It is then brought to our processing units where it is dried and sorted by well trained, highly skilled personnel to ensure that you get the best there is of this spice directly from the farmer to your doorstep.
Interesting Fact
• It takes 400 pounds of nutmegs to produce one pound of mace!
• Until the 18th Century, the world's only source of Mace and Nutmeg was Indonesia. When the Dutch took control of this area, Mace and Nutmeg were among the richest prizes. ...View Details -
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
Nutmeg is the inner brown kernel of the fruit of the nutmeg tree, a tropical evergreen tree, native to the spice islands of Indonesia. It has a characteristic pleasant fragrance and is slightly warm in taste.
Once collected, the nutmegs need to be dried gradually in the sun for a period of six to eight weeks. During this time, the nutmeg shrinks away from its hard seed coat until the kernels rattle in their shells when shaken. The shell is then broken and the nutmegs are picked up.
They are used to flavor many kinds of baked goods, confections, puddings, meat, sausages, sauces and vegetables. The nutmeg oil is used as condiment and to scent soaps and perfumes. Used in small dosages nutmeg can reduce flatulence, aid digestion, improve the appetite and treat diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.
At GVI, we have identified the areas with the highest production of nutmegs in the country. At the very source, we choose the highest quality, fully mature nuts for our processing centers. At our centers, we carry out both sun and oven drying until the moisture content is minimal. Our dedicated nutmeg production staff are experts in their field with an experience of more than 2 decades.
Interesting Fact
• Nutmeg is not a nut.
• The first harvest of nutmeg trees takes place 7–9 years after planting, and the trees reach full production after twenty years. A single mature tree, grows upto 40 ft in height and produces up to 2000 nutmegs per year ...View Details -
The Tamarind tree produces pods containing an edible pulp which is used extensively in cuisines around the world. The tamarind is best described as sweet and sour in taste, and is high in tartaric acid, sugar, B vitamins and, oddly for a fruit, calcium. While the pulp is used for medicinal purposes, the seeds of the pod can produce tamarind seed oil. Indonesia is renowned for cultivation of high quality tamarind, which is widely consumed locally and exported to countries around the world.
We at GVI procure fresh, high quality tamarind pulp, with and without seed, direct from farmers in Indonesia, mainly in East Java and Flores. We carry out strict quality control during procurement, cleaning, sorting and packing to ensure maximum quality preservation for our buyers.
Interesting Fact
Indonesian Tamarind belongs to the Fabaceae family of plants, making it a relative of peas, and beans. ...
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Temulawak Curcuma zanthorrhiza
Temuluwak known as Java ginger, Javanese ginger, or Javanese turmeric is a plant species belonging to the ginger family. It is known in Javanese as temulawak, in Sundanese as koneng gede and in Madurese as temu labak. The rhizome is rich in nutrients such as curcumin, essential oils, phleandren, protein, camphor, fiber, glucoside, antioxidants, turmerol, borneol, calcium, iron, potassium and sodium.
It is believed to streamline the digestive process, increase immunity and appetite, have antibacterial, anti fungal and anti inflammatory properties, prevent cancer, heart attacks and arthritis, lower cholesterol and also prevent premature aging.
Unsurprisingly, the efficacy of temulawak has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. Engaging personally with the growers, at GVI we hand pick the highest grade to meet your requirements.
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Turmeric Slices Curcuma longa
Turmeric is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial flowering plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.
Since antiquity this spice has been lending flavour, taste and a deep-orange-yellow colour to several South Asian cuisines and curries.
Mostly, this spice is traded in the whole form and then processed into powder, oil or oleoresin by the industrial sector.
Known for its varied application, it is a natural colouring agent on one side, attributes medicinal properties on the other and even contributes to a lot of cosmetic treatments. One active ingredient is curcumin, which has a distinctly earthy, slightly bitter, slightly hot peppery flavor and a mustardy smell. Curcumin from turmeric has anti-oxidant properties. It is widely used in the formulation of various sunscreens, fairness creams and lotions as well.
Indonesian turmeric typically has a curcumin content of 5% making it ideal for extraction purposes. Therefore it is predominantly processed into oleoresin to be eventually used as a colouring agent in canned beverages, baked products, dairy products, ice cream, yogurts, yellow cakes, cookies, popcorn-color, candy, cake icings, cereals, sauces, gelatins, direct compression tablets,cheeses, dry mixes, salad dressings, winter butter, and margarine.
At GVI, Our quality control officers ensure that our ‘No compromise on quality’ policy is strictly adhered to, to bring you only the finest.
Interesting Fact
In the Western world, turmeric was first embraced as a fabric dye rather than the fantastic health benefits we seek from it now! ...
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Velvet Tamarind Dialium cochinchinense
The velvet tamarind is a species of plant in the family Fabaceae. These are small, typically grape-sized edible fruits with brown hard inedible shells.
They are harvested during the months of January to April. Locally called "Keranji" they have a powdery texture and sour taste and are believed to lower the level of cholesterol in the body.
Being a very delicate and prized product , we at GVI have a dedicated, skilled team to bring only the most genuine produce. ...
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White Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum
White cardamom, also known as Kapulaga in Indonesia, is different in shape from green cardamom. White cardamom is often used as seasoning and also to mixtures of herbs or traditional herbal medicines.
Essential oil extracted from its seeds is used in the perfume industry and as a perfuming ingredient. Seeds are also used as ingredients in traditional medicine to cure stomach ache, cough, and as the reinforcement of the body after childbirth.
Our actively engaged team at GVi, from procurement to dispatch ensures that we uphold highest standards of quality for your consumption.
Interesting Fact
White Cardamom is endemic to Indonesia ...
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White Pepper Piper nigrum
White pepper consists of the seed of the pepper plant alone, with the darker-colored skin of the pepper fruit removed. This is usually accomplished by a process known as retting, where fully ripe red pepper berries are soaked in water for about a week, during which the flesh of the pepper softens and decomposes. Rubbing then removes what remains of the fruit, and the naked seed is then dried.
White pepper has a different flavour from black pepper. Ground white pepper is often used in cream sauces, Chinese and Thai cuisines and dishes like salad, light-colored sauces and mashed potatoes.
Along with our sister concern - PT. Vastav, we are equipped with a state of the art production and processing facility in South Sumatra (Lampung) with a vision to provide the highest quality of white pepper to the world. ...
For more details do check https://vastav.co.id/
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Citronella Cymbopogon Winterianus
Citronella oil is an essential oil obtained from the leaves and stems of the Cymbopogon grass from the lemongrass family. This fragrant grass has got its name from the French word meaning "lemon balm," due to its floral, citrus-like aroma.
Today, citronella oil is probably best known as a plant based, non toxic insect repellent. However, its uses and benefits extend far beyond keeping bugs at bay. The oil is used extensively as a source of perfumery chemicals such as citronellal, citronellol, and geraniol. These chemicals find extensive use in soap, candles and incense, perfumery, cosmetic, and flavouring industries throughout the world due to their mood uplifting and fatigue fighting properties.
We get all our citronella oil from local Indonesian farmers and accumulators who harvest and process the crop through steam distillation ...
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Clove Eugenia caryophyllata
The crude clove oil is extracted from the leaves, buds and stems of the plant from the Myrtaceae family.
The clove trees are indigenous to Indonesia. Indonesia is also the biggest consumer of clove buds itself , primarily in the kreket cigarette industry. With the interest of using the remaining components such as leaves and stems the farmers produce clove oil.
Clove oil is predominantly used across the dentistry industry for its germicidal properties. It is also used throughout the aromatherapy world, often as a relaxant to relieve the symptoms of stress. It is also found in blends to aid restful sleep and for those with mild depressions.
Our clove oil is obtained directly from the farmers who use monitored steam distillation as the method of production. ...
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Gurjun Balsam Dipterocarpus Turbinatus
Gurjun oil is a liquid resin or oleoresin commonly called balsam.
Harvesting gurjun oil can be done by tapping the sap of the Keruing tree. Traditionally, the sap of the keruing tree was used by people in the forest as a fuel to light torches. The tapping is done by making a tapping hole in the tree trunk with a hole height of about 1 meter from the ground with a minimum diameter of 50 cm, the hole made must lead to the center of the trunk The collection is best done during the rainy season. After getting the keruing sap, distillation is carried out to get gurjun oil.
Gurjun oil has been used and used by the community for a long time. The benefits of gurjun oil are as a medicinal ingredient (as a dis-infectant, laxative, diuretic, mild stimulant and analgesic liniments) in torches, putty on wooden vessels, aromatics, waterproof coatings, and lithographic inks.
Gvi has partnered directly with the farmers to provide you with gurjun Balsam directly from the source. ...
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Nutmeg oil Myristica Fragrans
This essential oil is obtained by the steam distillation of ground nutmeg. Indonesia is the largest producer of nutmeg oil in the world - providing 80% of the global supply.
It is used heavily in the perfumery industry and as a natural food flavoring in baked goods, syrups, beverages (e.g. Coca-Cola), sweets etc. as it can replace ground nutmeg leaving no particles in the food. This essential oil is also used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries for instance in toothpaste and as a major ingredient in some cough syrups.
We obtain our nutmeg oil from genuine sources and subject it to thorough testing to ensure genuinity for our buyers around the world. ...
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Patchouli oil Pogostemon cablin
Patchouli oil is produced by steam distillation of the dried leaves of Pogostemon Cablin. It has been known as a plant that is best grown in land with slightly moist and very rich soils, making tropical areas such as Indonesia the best to farm Patchouli. Currently, Indonesia is the world's largest producer of Patchouli, accounting for 80% of the global market.
Patchouli leaves are a source of essential oil that is used as a fragrance in perfumes, cosmetics, insect repellents and incense.
Fully aware that Patchouli cannot be cultivated on the same patch of land for long, we have partnered farmers to provide us with the most selected harvest to produce the best concentration.
Interesting Fact
The patchouli plant is very demanding on the soil it grows on, depleting it of its nutrients over time. Hence, the patchouli plantations need to move from one place to another from time to time! ...
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Betel Nuts/ Areca Nuts Areca catechu
Areca Nut or Betel Nut is the seed of the Areca Palm. Usually for chewing, betel nuts are known to aid digestion and stimulate the central nervous system. A few slices of the nut are wrapped in a betel leaf along with slaked lime. It May include clove, cardamom, catechu etc for extra flavoring. Widely used in religious and cultural ceremonies, betel quid can be traced back in history as far as 2,000 years!
Our fully Integrated processing plants ensure that all of our areca nut products undergo stringent in house controlled procedures so as to ensure that we exceed our buyers expectations.
Interesting Fact
GVI is the only company to have their material cleared by the Pakistan Health Department since October 2017 ...
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Candlenuts Aleurites moluccanus
The candlenut, also known as candleberry, Indian walnut, kemiri, varnish tree, nuez de la India, buah keras, godou, kukui nut tree, and Kekuna tree, is a flowering tree in the spurge family.
These nuts look similar to macadamia nuts, however their taste is quite different. Roasted slivers or shavings of candlenut have a pleasing, nutty, almond-like flavor without the background bitterness characteristic of almonds.
Our quality control officers ensure that our 'No compromise on quality' policy is strictly adhered to, to bring you only the finest.
Interesting Fact
Candlenuts got their name because of their high oil content which is extracted for making lamp oil. ...
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Soap nuts Sapindus
Soapnuts, a member of the family Sapindaceae, are commonly known by several names such as soapberry, washnut, reetha, aritha, dodan, and doadni.
The plant, a part of the lychee family, boasts of some pretty incredible environmental properties. The part of the tree that is the 'soap nut' are actually berries which are 100% biodegradable, meaning you can literally just throw them in your compost when you're done, helping to cut down on landfill with every load.
Traditionally used for washing hair and laundry, soapnuts are extensively used as a dyeing agent for coloring the yarn of Tussar silk and cotton.
We at GVI, collect the produce directly from the source to keep with our promise of active engagement and inspection at every stage.
Interesting Fact
Soap nuts are the latest craze in the planet friendly world, considering they are a 100% organic, 100% natural way to wash clothes without any chemicals. ...
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Dessicated Coconut
Desiccated Coconut is produced from fresh meat of white & matured coconuts, which is ground and sieved to desired cuts and fineness. It is an easy topping for a variety of dishes ranging from desserts and cereals to Asian curries for a flavorful addition that also contains a nutritional value.
Strategically located amidst the heart of coconut plantations in North Sulawesi, our desiccated coconut is freshly produced upon selection of only the best coconut meat.
Interesting Fact
Desiccated coconut is an ideal source of healthy fat that contains no cholesterol or trans fat while being rich in a number of essential nutrients, including dietary fiber, manganese, copper and selenium ...
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White Copra (Edible)
Copra is the dried meat or kernel of a coconut typically split into two halves. Copra is used for direct consumption as well as coconut oil extraction and the residue following extraction is used as animal feed.
At GVI, we have identified the areas with the highest production of coconuts in the country and have set up our processing centers in those areas. We choose high quality, fully mature nuts for our Copra and carry out both sun and oven drying until derided moisture content is achieved. Our dedicated Copra production staff are experts in their field and we continue to grow our production capabilities through innovative and continuous improvement in our processes.
Interesting Fact
Indonesia is the largest coconut grower in the world ...
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Damar Batu
Damar Batu is a petrified natural resin of ancient shorean trees. Much harder than other resins, it has brown and black colors with various sizes ranging from 1cm to 20 cms. Unlike gum damar which is taken directly from the tree, the resin of Damar Batu is obtained underground in fossilized form, close to the tree roots, in the jungles of Indonesia.
Damar Batu is applied traditionally by the fishers as wood boat putty by way of mixing with kerosene. It has also been used for incense because it gives a pleasant odour when burnt or heated. More recently, it is also being used in the manufacture of paints, putty, varnish/shellac.
We source our damar batu directly from the source and carry out drying,sorting and strict inspection before packaging and delivery so as to provide our buyers with only the finest.
Interesting Fact
In India damar batu or 'Dhuna', is burnt to keep mosquitoes at bay and believed to ward evil spirits away ...
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Gum Benzoin
Gum Benjamin, also known as Benzoin resin or styrax resin is a reddish brown , aromatic balsamic resin obtained from the bark of several species of trees in the genus Styrax benzoin grown on the island of Sumatra. Deep incisions are made in the trunk of the tree, from which the grayish colored sap exudes. Once The resinous lump becomes hard and brittle, it is carefully collected from the bark.
Gum Benzoin is used in perfumes, some kinds of incense, as a flavoring and medicine. It is a common ingredient in incense-making and perfumery because of its vanilla ice-cream aroma and fixative properties slowing the dispersion of essential oils and other fragrance materials into the air
Working with very select , trusted suppliers, our unwavering focus ensures that the final product dispatched meets our buyers specifications to the fullest.
Interesting Fact
Gum benzoin is the largest component of the type of church incense used in Russia also used in the production of Bakhoor - the enticing Arabic بخور - scented wood chips ...
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Gum Copal
Gum copal is a resin produced by the sap of the forest tree, Agathis Coranthifolia
It is a semi-fossilized, amorphous resin which has a unique set of properties such as resistance to water, solubility in alcohols, and has the ability to give glossy finishing along with possessing superior binding abilities.
It is applied as an ingredient of lacquer, varnish, paint, incense, perfumes, dental fillings, paper coating, printing ink, linoleum, adhesive and traditional medicines for cases such as dysentery, stomach pains, dizziness and fright.
Actively involved in the procurement and sorting and grading, our highly skilled team ensures that there is no compromise on the quality of gum copal provided.
Interesting Fact
Throughout history, amber and gum copal have been mistaken for each other, as it is extremely difficult to discern between the two. ...
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Gum Damar
Gum Damar is obtained from the Dipterocarpaceae family of trees. Most is produced by tapping trees, however some is collected in fossilized form from the ground. The gum varies in colour from clear to pale yellow, while the fossilized form is grey-brown.
Gum Damar is used in foods, as either a coulding or a glazing agent. Typically mixed with lacquers to produce gloss and provide adhesive properties, gum damar is abundantly used as raw material in the industries of paint, ink, varnish, coating, incense,cosmetics and soap.
GVI's highly skilled inspection team right from sourcing, drying, grading to dispatch ensures that you get the best there is of this gum directly from the source to your doorstep. ...
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Robusta beans Coffea canephora
Robusta coffee (be it a bean, brewed in the cup, or the plant itself) refers to coffee that comes from the plant species Coffea canephora.
Along with our sister concern - PT. Vastav, we are equipped with a state of the art production and processing facility in South Sumatra (Lampung) with a vision to provide the highest quality of Indonesia Robusta Coffee to the world. ...
For more details do check https://vastav.co.id/
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Gambier Uncaria gambir
Uncaria Gambier Roxb. (Rubiaceae) is a perennially, woody climbing shrub found in tropical Southeast Asia, mainly in the Indonesian Island of Sumatra.
Its leaves contain catechu red, quercetin, a mixture of fluorescent alkaloid and varying amounts of water. The young leafy shoots are cut off and boiled in water. This decoction is then evaporated to a syrupy consistency, allowed to cool and solidify into agglutinated cubes - the usual form of Gambier.
Gambier extract is used as masticatory, together with betel leaves, areca nut and lime, as a substitute to the traditional khair katha. Medicinally, it is employed as a powerful astringent to ulcers, boils, skin eruptions and helping cure diabetes. Traditionally it is also used as a tanning and dyeing agent to obtain very soft leather, particularly in the re-tanning of calf-leather.
Having our own in-house testing facility we ensure that the catechin content of our product meets the buyers specifications to the highest accuracy.
Interesting Fact
Katha prepared from Gambier extract has a catechu content greater than 70% and ash lower than 3% making its physico-chemical characteristics much superior to that derived from the traditional khair. ...
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Kapok Fiber Ceiba pentandra
Kapok is the most used common name for the tree and may also refer to the cotton-like fluff obtained from its seed pods. The tree is cultivated for the seed fibre, particularly in south-east Asia, and is also known as the Java cotton, Java kapok, silk-cotton or ceiba. Kapok fibres on their own are not suitable for spinning into yarn, as they are too smooth, slippery and brittle
As a natural fibre, it has many advantageous characteristics. Some of them being -
1. Biodegradable
2. Chemical free
3. Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties
4. Hypoallergenic
5. Light weight
6. Quick dry
7. Buoyant
8. Bouncy
9. Moisture resistant
10. Weight bearing capacity
11. Warm
12. Insulating
13. Sound AbsorbentDue to its unique qualities kapok finds use in bedding and upholstery industries as filling material for pillow bolster, cushion, mattresses, stuffed toy, in the production of life-saving defence equipment, apparel and in the construction of thermally insulated and soundproof covers and walls.
We at GVI, ensure that the kapok procured is best fit for the purpose intended.
Interesting Fact
Kapok fiber is the lightest fiber in the world, 8 times lighter than cotton fiber. It is covered with a thin layer of wax that contains a substance that prevents insects and other pests from attacking the kapok tree and fruit. Therefore no mites can thrive in the kapok! ...
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Patchouli Leaves Pogostemon cablin
Patchouli, is the aromatic flowering plant of the mint family . It has been known as a plant that is best grown in land with slightly moist and very rich soils, making tropical areas such as Indonesia the best to farm Patchouli.
Patchouli leaves are a source of essential oil that is used as a fragrance in perfumes, cosmetics, insect repellents and incense. Some even add patchouli into herbal tea or into food as a seasoning.
Fully aware that Patchouli cannot be cultivated on the same patch of land for long, we have partnered farmers to provide us with the most selected harvest.
Interesting Fact
The patchouli plant is very demanding on the soil it grows on, depleting it of its nutrients over time. Hence, the patchouli plantations need to move from one place to another from time to time! ...
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